PERÙ, bio San Ignacio - Specialty 100% Arabica whole bean coffee, Tafuri, 250gr.
This organic coffee is grown by two small producers in the Cajamarca region of Peru. The region is characterized by a mineral-rich subsoil, ideal conditions for the growth of this coffee. The coffee is harvested by indigenous families on medium-sized farms of around 4 hectares. Farmers in this region strive to protect the environment in which they grow coffee by using organic fertilizers and taking great care in water management to avoid pollution. The plants grow in the shade among dense vegetation, allowing each bean to develop pronounced fruity notes and more.
Origin: Peru, Cajamarca, San Ignacio
Varieties: Caturra, Catimor, Bourbon, and Pache
Quality: Peru SHB MCM Gr 1 Specialty BIO
Altitude: 1,400-2,000 meters
Processing: Washed – Sun-dried – Hand-selected
Notes: Vanilla, Cherry, Chocolate
CUPPING NOTES A sweet, fruity, and full-bodied organic coffee. Medium and pleasant acidity. Notes of vanilla, cherry, and chocolate.
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